Monday, 30 September 2019


Q: The word 'pedagogy' means
Answer: To lead the child.
Q: Pedagogy is the study of
Answer: Teaching methods.
Q: The philosopher who worked in mathematical and scientific didactic was
Answer: Martin Wagenschein.
Q: The use of technology to enhance learning process is called ____ in education.
Answer: ICT.
Q: A scoring guide used to evaluate the quality of students is called
Answer: Rubrics.  
Q: As people grow older, the ___ of learning declines.
Answer: Speed.
Q: ___ increases correct responses and appropriate behaviour
Answer: Praise.
Q: What is used to decrease minor inappropriate behaviour?
Answer: Ignorance.
Q: The book 'Emile' or 'On Education' on the nature of education and man is written by
Answer: Rousseau.
Q: According to Emile, the noblest work in education is to make a/an
Answer: Good citizen.
Q: Teachers should present information to the students clearly in and interesting way, and relate this new information to the things students
Answer: Already know.
Q: Gender is an
Answer: Social Construct.
Q: According to John Dewey, school is a ____ institution, and education is a ____ process.
Answer: Social, social
Q: Primary Socialising agency
Answer: Family.
Q: According to John Dewey, schools must prepare students for
Answer: Present life.
Q: Major proposition of Jean Piaget’s Theory is
Answer: Children’s thinking is qualitatively different from adults.
Q: Responses that produce a satisfying effect in particular situation become ____ to occur again in that situation.
Answer: more likely.
Q: Characteristics of a child in Pre-Operational stage
Answer: Irreversibility of thought.
Q: Responses that produce a discomforting effect become ____ to occur again in that situation.
Answer: Less likely.
Q: In Progressive education children are seen as
Answer: Active explorers.
Q: According to Rousseau, at what age a person is ready to have a companion of the opposite sex?
Answer: 16.
Q: According to LEV VYGTOSKY, learning is
Answer: A Social Activity.
Q: The field of study concerned with the construction of thought processes, including remembering, problem solving, and decision-making is called
Answer: Cognitive development.
Q: The period that initiates the transition to adulthood is
Answer: Adolescence.
Q: Jean Piaget proposed ____ stages of Cognitive Development
Answer: 4
Q: In an elementary classroom it is important to___the experience that the children bring with her.
Answer: Build on.
Q: The more often a particular ability is used the _____ it becomes
Answer: Stronger.
Q: LEV VGYTOSKY refers to the verbal dialogue that children have with themselves as
Answer: Private Speech.
Q: The longer a particular ability is unused the ____ it becomes
Answer: Weaker.
Q: Associating toys,articles of clothing,household items ,occupations and colours with specific sex is a demonstration of
Answer: Gender stereotyping.
Q: The more parts of your brain you use, the more likely you are to _____information.
Answer: Retain.
Q: The conclusion of a deductive argument is
Answer: Certain.
Q: The truth of the coclusion of an inductive argument is
Answer: Probable.
Q: The process of reasoning from one or more given statements to reach a logically certain conclusion is called
Answer: Deductive reasoning.
Q: A teacher should
Answer: Communicate that she respects and values all cultures in the classroom.
Q: The reasoning in which the given statements are viewed as supplying strong evidence for the truth of the conclusion is called
Answer: Inductive reasoning.
Q: The Right to Education Act 2009 advocate
Answer: Inclusive Education.
Q: According to Jean Piaget, children develop abstract logic and reasoning skill during
Answer: Formal operational stage.
Q: ____ is the philosophy that all children have a right to get equal education in a regular school system.
Answer: Inclusion.
Q: Children are usually egocentric during ___ and ___ stages.
Answer: Sensorimotor, Preoperational.
Q: Children can learn effectively when
Answer: They actively participate in different activities.
Q: According to Jean Piaget, children are no longer egocentric when entering
Answer: Concrete Operational stage.
Q: Children should ___questions in the class.
Answer: Be encouraged to ask.
Q: According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, the Concrete Operational stage starts at age
Answer: 7.
Q: In a constructivist frame learning is
Answer: Active and Social in character.
Q: The most recent response is most likely to
Answer: Reoccur.
Q: When teachers have positive beliefs about students and their abilities,the students
Answer: Are eager and motivated to learn.
Q: Rousseau advocated an educational method which consisted of removing the child from
Answer: Society.
Q: Children’s errors
Answer: Are a part of learning and give an insight into their thinking.
Q: Who advocated removing children from their mothers' care and raising them as wards of the state?
Answer: Plato.
Q: Assesment
Answer: Should be a part of teaching learning process.
Q: The famous book 'The Republic' was written by
Answer: Plato.
Q: A teacher can encourage children to become effective problem solver by
Answer: Encouraging children to make guesses and to look multiple solutions to the problem.
Q: " All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth." This is the saying of
Answer: Aristotle.
Q: Use of methods where learner’s own initiative and efforts are involved is an example of
Answer: Learner-Centered method.
Q: The Waldorf education approach emphasizes on balanced depelovment of
Answer: Head and hands.
Q: Which question encourages a deep style of thinking?
Answer: What does it mean to say that addition is the opposite to subtraction.
Q: Plato believed that talent and intelligence are
Answer: Not distributed genetically.
Q: To meet the individual difference of learners which step is required
Answer: Individual’s abilities assessed accurately,Individualisation of instruction,Identification of special talents.
Q: A priori knowledge is knowledge that is known independently of
Answer: Experience.
Q: Supplementary law of Thorndike
Answer: Law of Multiple Responding.
Q: A posteriori knowledge is knowledge that is known by
Answer: Experience.
Q: Which situation is based on Child-centered education?
Answer: Problem based,Guided discovery,Demonstration.
Q: Example of Intrinsic motivation
Answer: Praise.
Q: Propounder of Multiple Intelligence Theory
Answer: Howard Gardener.
Q: Which parenting style is most effective for development of Children’s social competence?
Answer: Authoritative.
Q: Which tool is appropriate for Formative assessment?
Answer: Quizzes,Criterion Referenced Test,Group Discussion.
Q: Summative assessment is also called?
Answer: Formal Assessment.
Q: According to John Locke, a child's mind does not contain any
Answer: Innate idea.
Q: The word 'pedagogy' means
Answer: To lead the child.
Q: Pedagogy is the study of
Answer: Teaching methods.
Q: The philosopher who worked in mathematical and scientific didactic was
Answer: Martin Wagenschein.
Q: The use of technology to enhance learning process is called ____ in education.
Answer: ICT.
Q: A scoring guide used to evaluate the quality of students is called
Answer: Rubrics.
Q: As people grow older, the ___ of learning declines.
Answer: Speed.
Q: ___ increases correct responses and appropriate behaviour
Answer: Praise.
Q: What is used to decrease minor inappropriate behaviour?
Answer: Ignorance.
Q: The book 'Emile' or 'On Education' on the nature of education and man is written by
Answer: Rousseau.
Q: According to Emile, the noblest work in education is to make a/an
Answer: Good citizen.
Q: Teachers should present information to the students clearly in and interesting way, and relate this new information to the things students
Answer: Already know.
Q: Gender is an
Answer: Social Construct.
Q: According to John Dewey, school is a ____ institution, and education is a ____ process.
Answer: Social, social
Q: Primary Socialising agency
Answer: Family.
Q: According to John Dewey, schools must prepare students for
Answer: Present life.
Q: Major proposition of Jean Piaget’s Theory is
Answer: Children’s thinking is qualitatively different from adults.
Q: Responses that produce a satisfying effect in particular situation become ____ to occur again in that situation.
Answer: more likely.
Q: Characteristics of a child in Pre-Operational stage
Answer: Irreversibility of thought.
Q: Responses that produce a discomforting effect become ____ to occur again in that situation.
Answer: Less likely.
Q: In Progressive education children are seen as
Answer: Active explorers.
Q: According to Rousseau, at what age a person is ready to have a companion of the opposite sex?
Answer: 16.
Q: According to LEV VYGTOSKY, learning is
Answer: A Social Activity.
Q: The field of study concerned with the construction of thought processes, including remembering, problem solving, and decision-making is called
Answer: Cognitive development.
Q: The period that initiates the transition to adulthood is
Answer: Adolescence.
Q: Jean Piaget proposed ____ stages of Cognitive Development
Answer: 4
Q: In an elementary classroom it is important to___the experience that the children bring with her.
Answer: Build on.
Q: The more often a particular ability is used the _____ it becomes
Answer: Stronger.
Q: LEV VGYTOSKY refers to the verbal dialogue that children have with themselves as
Answer: Private Speech.
Q: The longer a particular ability is unused the ____ it becomes
Answer: Weaker.
Q: Associating toys,articles of clothing,household items ,occupations and colours with specific sex is a demonstration of
Answer: Gender stereotyping.
Q: The more parts of your brain you use, the more likely you are to _____information.
Answer: Retain.
Q: The conclusion of a deductive argument is
Answer: Certain.
Q: The truth of the coclusion of an inductive argument is
Answer: Probable.
Q: The process of reasoning from one or more given statements to reach a logically certain conclusion is called
Answer: Deductive reasoning.
Q: A teacher should
Answer: Communicate that she respects and values all cultures in the classroom.
Q: The reasoning in which the given statements are viewed as supplying strong evidence for the truth of the conclusion is called
Answer: Inductive reasoning.
Q: The Right to Education Act 2009 advocate
Answer: Inclusive Education.
Q: According to Jean Piaget, children develop abstract logic and reasoning skill during
Answer: Formal operational stage.
Q: ____ is the philosophy that all children have a right to get equal education in a regular school system.
Answer: Inclusion.
Q: Children are usually egocentric during ___ and ___ stages.
Answer: Sensorimotor, Preoperational.
Q: Children can learn effectively when
Answer: They actively participate in different activities.
Q: According to Jean Piaget, children are no longer egocentric when entering
Answer: Concrete Operational stage.
Q: Children should ___questions in the class.
Answer: Be encouraged to ask.
Q: According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, the Concrete Operational stage starts at age
Answer: 7.
Q: In a constructivist frame learning is
Answer: Active and Social in character.
Q: The most recent response is most likely to
Answer: Reoccur.
Q: When teachers have positive beliefs about students and their abilities,the students
Answer: Are eager and motivated to learn.
Q: Rousseau advocated an educational method which consisted of removing the child from
Answer: Society.
Q: Children’s errors
Answer: Are a part of learning and give an insight into their thinking.
Q: Who advocated removing children from their mothers' care and raising them as wards of the state?
Answer: Plato.
Q: Assesment
Answer: Should be a part of teaching learning process.
Q: The famous book 'The Republic' was written by
Answer: Plato.
Q: A teacher can encourage children to become effective problem solver by
Answer: Encouraging children to make guesses and to look multiple solutions to the problem.
Q: " All who have meditated on the art of governing mankind have been convinced that the fate of empires depends on the education of youth." This is the saying of
Answer: Aristotle.
Q: Use of methods where learner’s own initiative and efforts are involved is an example of
Answer: Learner-Centered method.
Q: The Waldorf education approach emphasizes on balanced depelovment of
Answer: Head and hands.
Q: Which question encourages a deep style of thinking?
Answer: What does it mean to say that addition is the opposite to subtraction.
Q: Plato believed that talent and intelligence are
Answer: Not distributed genetically.
Q: To meet the individual difference of learners which step is required
Answer: Individual’s abilities assessed accurately,Individualisation of instruction,Identification of special talents.
Q: A priori knowledge is knowledge that is known independently of
Answer: Experience.
Q: Supplementary law of Thorndike
Answer: Law of Multiple Responding.
Q: A posteriori knowledge is knowledge that is known by
Answer: Experience.
Q: Which situation is based on Child-centered education?
Answer: Problem based,Guided discovery,Demonstration.
Q: Example of Intrinsic motivation
Answer: Praise.
Q: Propounder of Multiple Intelligence Theory
Answer: Howard Gardener.
Q: Which parenting style is most effective for development of Children’s social competence?
Answer: Authoritative.
Q: Which tool is appropriate for Formative assessment?
Answer: Quizzes,Criterion Referenced Test,Group Discussion.
Q: According to John Locke, a child's mind does not contain any?
Answer: Innate ideas.
Q: Learning disability can be appropriately defined as?
Answer: It is intrinsic and due to central nervous system dysfunction.
Q: The philosopher who for the first time mentioned the importance of play in education was
Answer: Aristotle.
Q: Development is
Answer: It is a product of the interaction of hereditary and environment.
Q: The process of selecting units from a population to estimate characteristics of the population is called
Answer: Sampling.
Q: Characteristics of Social constructivist approach of learning is
Answer: Emphasis on collaboration with others for learning.
Q: We calculate average marks of a studet in the way as we calculate
Answer: Arithmetic mean.
Q; The term INCLUSION means educating child with special need in the regular classroom for
Answer: Most of the time.
Q: The ____ is a measure of how spreads out points are from the mean
Answer: Standard deviation.
Q; A Child who is high and low in a characteristic will remain so at later stage .This statement stresses on the importance of
Answer: Hereditary.
Q: The standard deviation is the ____ of the variance.
Answer: Square root.
Q: The domains of development such as physical,cognitive ,social and emotional are developed in which process
Answer: Integrated and holistically
Q: The concept of pragmatism in educational philosophy says at education should be about 
Answer: Life and growth.
Q: A Teacher’s role is
Answer: Creating a relaxed space where children learn through dialogue and inquiry.
Q: The idea of practical learning means education should apply to the
Answer: Real world.
Q: Classroom which encourages rich learning is
Answer: A Classroom with open activity corners and a variety of children’s literature in ooen shelves accessible any time of the day.
Q: An aspect of pragmatism is experiential learning, which says, education should come through
Answer: Experience.
Q: The National Curriculum Framework,2005 derives its understanding from
Answer: Constructivism.
Q: In case of spending money, the virtue is ____ between wastefulness and stringiness.
Answer: Generosity.
Q: The Children in a class can be considered to be motivated if
Answer: They asks questions seeking clarification from the teacher.
Q: According to Aristotle, virtue is a/an _____ state between excess and deficiency.
Answer: Intermediate.
Q: Children acquire gender role from
Answer: Media,Socialization and Culture.
Q: A creative learner refers to one who is
Answer: Good at lateral thinking and problem solving.
Q: Giftedness in children can be attributed to?
Answer: An interplay between hereditary and environment.
Q: Individual learners differ from each other in
Answer: Rate of development.
Q: Children coming from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds need a classroom environment which
Answer: Values and uses their cultural and linguistic knowledge.
Q: Every learner is unique means that
Answer: No two learners are alike in their abilities, interests and talents.
Q: Patterns of divergent thinking identify children ,who are
Answer: Creative.
Q: Constructivism as a theory
Answer: Emphasizes the role of the learner in constructing his own view of the world.
Q: Development of concepts is primarily a part of
Answer: Intellectual development.
Q: Heredity is considered as a social structure
Answer: Static.
Q: The most intense and critical socialization takes place
Answer: Throughout the life of a person.
Q: Stimulus,Memory,Fear,Attention .Which is an emotion?
Answer: Fear.
Q: Helping learners recapitulate or recall what they have already learnt is important because
Answer: Relating new information to prior knowledge enhances learning.
Q: From where to start in order to learn any new language
Answer: Association between letters and words.
Q: According to Piaget, during the first stage of development, a child learns best
Answer: By using the senses.
Q: The term that defines mathematics related disability is
Answer: Dyscalculia.
Q: Theory of learning which totally and only depends on 'observable behaviour' is associated with theory of learning
Answer: Behaviuorist.
Q: Successful inclusion includes
Answer: Sensitization.
Q: Multilingual character of Indian society should be seen as
Answer: A challenge to teacher's capacity to motivate students to learn.
Q: Quality of good teaching includes
Answer: Democratic,Sympathetic,Desirable information provider.
Q: Creative answers require
Answer: open-ended questions.
Q: Expectency theory of motivation has been given by
Answer: Victor Vroom.
Q: Diagnosis of the gaps in the learning of the students should be followed by
Answer: Appropriate remedial measures.
Q: The maxim of teaching is
Answer: From Simple to Comples,From definite to indefinite,From seen to unseen.
Q: Which statement cannot be considered as a feature of 'learning'?
Answer: Study of behaviour is learning.
Q: First step of micro teaching style is
Answer: Planning. Introduced by Dwight Allen.
Q: 'Self-regulation' of learners refers to
Answer: Their ability to monitor their own learning.
Q: Pre-operational stage in Piaget’s theory?
Answer: 2 to 7 Years.
Q: What does not reflect 'teaching for understanding'?
Answer: Enable students to memorize isolated facts and procedures.
Q: Which psychologists is associated with language development?
Answer: Chomsky.
Q: Thorndike proved his theory titled
Answer: Trial and Error.
Q: What is true about 'learning'?
Answer: Learning is effective in an environment that is emotionally positive and satisfying for the learners.
Q: Part of PEER tutoring strategy is?
Answer: Explaining,Reinforcing,Modelling.
Q: Human development is based on certain principles. Which is not a principle of human development?
Answer: Reversible.
Q: If the Mentle age of a child is 12 and chronological age is 10,his IQ will be?
Answer: 120
Q: Centrally sponsored scheme of Integrated Education for disabled children aims at providing educational opportunities to children with disabalities in
Answer: regular schools.
Q: The purpose of Oral test is?
Answer: To test fluency and flexibility of language.
Q: Which difficulty is not a sign of reading difficulty among young learners?
Answer: Understanding words and ideas.
Q: The best way to teach a student in class 3 ,will be?
Answer: Creative activities.
Q: A teacher wants the gifted children of her class to achieve their potential. What should she not do to achieve her objective?
Answer: Segregate them from their peers for special attention.
Q: A Provision for education for the children with disabilities can be made ?
Answer: Through inclusive education.
Q: What is not a feature of intrinsically motivated children?
Answer: They always succeed.
Q: What is not an appropriate tool for Formative Assessment?
Answer: term test.
Q: Learners should not be encouraged to
Answer: Memorize all the answers to questions which may teacher ask.
Q: The best method to study growth and development of the child is–
Answer: Developmental Method.
Q: Socialization is a process by which children and adults learn from?
Answer: Family, School, Peers.
Q: Which one of the following is the true statement corresponding to Cephalocaudal Principle of Child's Development?
Answer: Development is from head to foot.
Q: Determinants of Individual differences in human beings relate to–
Answer: Interaction between Heredity and Environment.
Q: Term PSRN in development implies–
Answer: Perceptual skill, reasoning and numeracy.
Q: Vygotsky proposed that Child Development is–
Answer: A product of social interaction.
Q: Gardner formulated a list of Seven Intelligencies, which among the following is not one of them?
Answer: Emotional Intelligence.
Q: Which of the following is the true statement in reference to Intelligence?
Answer: Intelligence is the ability to adjust. Intelligence is the ability to learn .Intelligence is the ability of Abstract Reasoning.
Q: A Child can think logically about objects and events" This is the characteristic given by Piaget of stage–
Answer: Concrete Operational.
Q: Which one does not belong to the categories of Coping strategies that women commonly engaged in–
Answer: Revolution.
Q: What should be the role of teacher in meeting the individual differences?
Answer: Try to know the abilities, interest and aptitude of individuals. Try to adjust the curriculum as per the needs of individuals.
Q: If a child has mental age of 5 years and chronological age of 4 years than what will be the IQ of child?
Answer: 125.
Q: irfan breaks toys and dismantles them to explore their components. What would you do?
Answer: Encourage his inquisitive nature and channelize his energy.
Q: Which of the following is not the tool for Formative Assessment in sholastic domain?
Answer: Projects.
Q: If you find a student wearing some odd dress in your class, you will
Answer: Counsel him/her not to wear such clothes in a class.
Q: A few students in your class are exceptionally bright, you will teach them–
Answer: By using Enriched programmes.
Q: The statement 'Men are generally more intelligent than women'
Answer: Shows gender bias.
Q: The major purpose of diagnostic test is that of identifying–
Answer: The causes underlying academic difficulties.
Q: What is meant by Schema?
Answer: Organized packets of information stored in long-term memory.
Q: Special education is related to–
Answer: Educational programmes for disabled.
Q: Understanding the principles of development of a child helps a teacher in
Answer: Effectively catering to the different learning styles of learners.
Q: In CCE, Formative and Summative Assessment totals to–
Answer: 40% and 60% respectively.
Q: Learning depends on cognitive development
Answer: Always.
Q: Frobel's most important contribution to education was his development of the–
Answer: Kindergarten.
Q: Christina took her class for a field trip and after coming back, she discussed the trip with her students. It may be con-notated as
Answer: Assessment of learning.
Q: Which article enjoins that "All minorities whether based on religion or language shall have the right to establish and administer education institutions of their choice?
Answer: Article 30 (1).
Q: How many stages of cognitive development have been recommended by Piaget?
Answer: Four stages.
Q: If a child writes 16 as 61 and gets confused between Band D, this is case of–
Answer: Learning Disability.
Q: The statement, 'An important precondition for the proper development of a child is ensuring his/her healthy physical development.'
Answer: Is true because physical development is interrelated with other domains of development.
Q: As a teacher what techniques you would follow to motivate students of your class–
Answer: By setting induction. Use of black board. By illustration. By active participation of students.
Q: Classroom discipline can be maintained effectively by a teacher
Answer: By providing a programme which is according to the need and interest of the pupil.
Q: What are the factors related to learner that effects the learning?
Answer: Physical and Mental health of the learner. Level of aspiration and achievement motivation. Readiness and Willpower.
Q: Performance of a student can be evaluated in the best possible manner through
Answer: An on-going oerall assessment throughout the year.
Q: Cognitive Development means–
Answer: Development of intelligence.
Q: Creative writing should be an activity planned for–
Answer: Only those children reading on grade level.
Q: Which is the External Factors affecting the interest of students in classroom?
Answer: Goals and motives.
Q: An intelligent student is not doing well in studies. What is the best course of the action for the teacher?
Answer: Transfer of learning.
Q: Select 'the educable' group of students indicating different I. Q. levels
Answer: 50 to 70.
Q: Who is regarded as the first teacher of a child?
Answer: Mother.
Q: Which is not a product of learning?
Answer: Maturation.
Q: How a 'teacher' should behave with the students?
Answer: Friend like.
Q: A teacher of high caste is biased with the low caste students. What advice you would like to give to that teacher?
Answer: He should not behave against the national spirit and need of the hour.
Q: A girl student shows talent and interest in science but her parents are pushing her to take humanities stream. What advice would you give to that girl?
Answer: Encourage her to try for scholarships, so that she can study the subject of her interest.
Q: If a student is weak in English, what should be role of English teacher?
Answer: Teacher will try to increase the curiosity of the student in the subject.
Q: The most important quality of an effective teacher is
Answer: Good rapport with the students.
Q: Who was the pioneer of Classical Conditioning?
Answer: Pavlov.
Q: It is said that teacher should be resourceful, This means that–
Answer: He should have adequate knowledge so that he may be able to solve the problems of students.
Q: Which Motives are considered as primary motives?
Answer: Physiological Motives.
Q: In the context of education, socialization means
Answer: Adapting and adjusting to social environment.
Q: A school gives preference to girls while preparing students for a State level solo-song competition. This reflects
Answer: Gender bias.
Q: Vygotsky emphasized the significance of the role played by which of the following factors
in the learning of children ?
Answer: Social.
Important: Lev Vygotsky's theory on cognitive development is called Social Development Theory. It stresses on stress the fundamental role of social interaction (community) in the development of cognition.
Q: A teacher makes use of a variety of tasks to cater to the different learning styles of her learners. She is influenced by
Answer: Gardner's multiple intelligence theory.
Q: A teacher never gives answers to questions herself. She encourages her students to suggest answers, have group discussions and adopt collaborative learning. This approach is based on the principle of
Answer: Active participation.
Q: What is a teacher-related factor affecting learning?
Answer: Mastery over the subject-matter.
Q: According to Kohlberg, a teacher can instill moral values in children by
Answer: Involving them in discussions on moral issues.
Q: Young learners should be encouraged to interact with peers in the classroom so that
Answer: They learn social skills in the course of study.
Q: When a child with a disability first comes to school, the teacher should
Answer: Discuss with the child's parents to evolve collaborative plans.
Q: According to Piaget's stages of Cognitive Development, the sensori-motor stage is associated with
Answer: Imitation, memory and mental representation.
Q: Human personality is the result of
Answer: Interaction between heredity and environment.
Q: Individual attention is important in the teaching - learning process because
Answer: Children develop at different rates and learn differently.
Q: Which of the following is the first step in the scientific method of problem-solving?
Answer: Problem awareness.
Q: Which of the following is a domain of learning?
Answer: Affective.
Q: When a child gets bored while doing a task, it is a sign that
Answer: The task may have become mechanically repetitive.
Q: Errors of learners often indicate
Answer: The need for mechanical drill.
Q:In which stage is the Physical growth is rapid?
Answer: Infancy.
Q: The Stage in which the “Self Initiative Skill” of a child develops when it is let free
Answer: 2-3 years.
Q: An apparatus to find the span of visual attention is:
Answer: Tachitoscope.
Q: The two factor theory of intelligence was proposed by
Answer: Spearman.
Q: The term that does not coincide with the styles of learning
Answer: Rote learning.
Q: “Child should be treated as child” - was said by
Answer: Wechsler.
Q: Piaget’s principle is related to child’s _____________
Answer: Cognitive Development.
Q: A Person believes that nurture strongly influences the development of his child. He
would not agree with the importance of:

Answer: Genetic factors.
Q: Long term memory is through
Answer: Learning by multi sensory organs.
Q: Child development is defined as a field of study that
Answer: Accounts for the gradual evolution of the child's cognitive, social, and other capacities.   
Q: Sign of creative child is his/her
Answer: Creativity.  
Q: A physically-challenged student is very keen on participating during the Annual Sports in school. How should you handle this issue?
Answer: Let him/her be involved in record keeping in the field.
Q: Which is not necessary for ensuring the success of a programme of 'Inclusive Education' in school?
Answer: All the teachers of the school should be special resource person.
Q: A group of students are found to be harassing another student. What should be your reaction?
Answer: Counsel the students individually.
Q: A new lesson being taught by you is not well-understood by the students. What will be your response?
Answer: Change your method of teaching the lesson.
Q: A stident in your class has consistently been performing poorly in one subject. What should you do?
Answer: Arrange for a diagnostic test to find out what the difficulty is.
Q: How does a teacher can improve the attention of a student?
Answer: by introducing interesting ways of teaching, e.g. through teaching aid etc.
Q: Teaching-learning process is fundamentally completed in
Answer: Class-room. 
Q: Nature of children are like
Answer: Imitative.   
Q: How many stages of cognitive development recommended by Piaget?
Answer: Four Stages.
Q: Learning depends on cognitive development
Answer: Always.
Q: What is meant by Schema?
Answer: Organized packets of information stored in long-term memory.
Q: If you find a student wearing some odd dress in your class, you will
Answer: Counsel him not to wear such clothes in a class.
Q: The raw material of thinking is
Answer: Symbols.
Q: Education of children with special needs should be provided
Answer: Along with other normal children.
Q: One of the ways to deal with the development of sexuality in children during puberty is defence mechanism like
Answer: Sublimation.
Q: 'Dyslexia' is associated with
Answer: Reading disorder.
Q: What would be the most effective method of dealing with a low-achieving child?
Answer: Arrange for extensive coaching.
Q: 'A young child responds to a new situation on the basis of the response made by him/her in a similar situation as in the past.' This is related to
Answer: 'Law of Effect' of learning.
Q: RTE stands for
Answer: Right to education.
Q: At lower classes, play-way method of teaching is based on
Answer: Psychological principles of development and growth.
Q: What a teacher should do if a student gives wrong answer of a question in a class?
Answer: He will explain, why the answer given by the student is wrong.
Q: The term 'curriculum' in the field of education refers to
Answer: Overall programme of the school which students experience on a day-to-day basis.
Q: What is the unit of Heredity?
Answer: Gene. 
Q: To make assessment a 'useful and interesting' process, one should be careful about
Answer: Using a variety of ways to collect information about the students' learning across the scholastic and co-scholastic boundaries.
Q: ___ is not considered a sign of 'being gifted.'
Answer: Fighting with others.
Q: A student of V-grade with 'visual deficiency' should be
Answer: Treated normally in the classroom and provided support through audio CDs.
Q: Which statement cannot be considered as a feature of the process of learning?
Answer: Educational institutions are the only place where learning takes place.
Q: "Children actively construct their understanding of the world" is a statement attributed to 
Answer: Piaget.
Q: Learning can be enriched if
Answer: Situations from the real world are brought into the class in which students interact with each other and the teacher facilitates.
Q: Kritika, who does not talk much at home, talks a lot at school. It shows that
Answer: Her thoughts get acknowledged at school.
Q: Motivation, in the process of learning
Answer: Creates interest for learning among young learning.
Q: A teacher should make an attempt to understand the potentialities of her/his students. Which field is related to this objective?
Answer: Educational Psychology.  
Q: What should be considered the most important quality of a teacher at primary level?
Answer: Patience and perseverance.
Q: Which one is not related to the socio-psychological neds of the child?
Answer: Regular elimination of waste products from the body.
Q: The stage in which a child begins to think logically about objects and events is known as
Answer: Concrete Operation stage.
Q: 'Mind Mapping' refers to
Answer: researching the functioning of the mind.
Q: A teacher, because of his/her democratic nature, allows students to sit all over the class. Some sit together and discuss or do group reading. Some sit quietly, and read themselves. A parent does not like it. What may be the best way to handle the situation?
Answer: Parents should show trust in the teacher and discuss the problem with the teacher.
Q: the best way, specially at primary level, to address the learning difficulties of students is to use
Answer: A variety of teaching methods suited to the disability.
Q: The 'Insight Theory of Learning' is promoted by
Answer: 'Grestalt' theorists. 
Q: According to Piaget, at which stage does a child begin to think logically about abstract propositions?
Answer: Formal Operational Stage (11 years and up.)
Q: Four distinct stages of children's intellectual development are identified by
Answer: Piaget.
Q: What will foster creativity among learners?
Answer: Providing opportunities to question and to nurture the innate talents of every learner. 

Q: In which stage do children become active members of their peer group?
Answer: Adolescenece.
Q: When a child 'fails', it means
Answer: The system has failed.
Q: Parents should play a ___ role in the learning process of young children.
Answer: Proactive.
Q: The emphasis from teaching to learning can be shifted by
Answer: Adopting child-centred.
Q: "Development is a never ending process." This idea is associated with
Answer: Principle of Continuity.
Q: The most effective to teach the concept of germination of seeds is
Answer: To make the students plant seeds and observe stages of germination.
Q: Which is the where the child's 'cognitive' development is defined in the best way?
Answer: School and classroom environment.
Q: Inclusive education
Answer: celebrates diversity in the classroom.
Q: What is not a sign of an intelligent young child?
Answer: One who has the ability to cram long essays very quickly.
Q: ___ is considered a sign of motivated teaching?
Answer: Questioning by students.
Q: A teacher uses a text and some pictures of fruits and vegetables and holds a discussion with her students. The students link the details with their previous knowledge and learn te concept of nutrition. This approach is based on
Answer: Construction of knowledge.
Q: Human development is divided into domains such as
Answer: Psychological, Cognitive, Emotional, and Physical.
Q: Principle of development is
Answer: It does not proceed at the same pace for all.
Q: Learners display individual differences. So a teacher should
Answer: Provide a variety of learning experiences.
Q: School-based assessment is primarily based on the principle that
Answer: Teachers know their learners' capabilities better than external examiners.
Q: Critical Pedagogy firmly believes that 
Answer: The experience and perception of learners are important.
Q: A teacher, after preparing a question paper, checks testing objectives. He is concerned primarily about the question paper's
Answer: Content coverage.
Q: A feature of progressive education
Answer: Flexible time-table and seating.
Q: An objective question
Answer: True or False.
Q: A child starts to cry when his grandmother takes him from mother's lap. The child cries due to
Answer: Emotional anxiety.
Q: In the context of education, socialization means
Answer: Adapting and adjusting to social environment.
Q: A school give preference to girls while preparing students for a State Level solo-songs competition. This reflects
Answer: Gender bias.
Q: Young learners should be encouraged to interact with peers in the classroom so that
Answer: They learn social skills in the course of.
Q: According to Kohlberg, a teacher can instill moral moral values in children by
Answer: Involving them in discussions on moral issues.
Q: A teacher-related factor affecting learning
Answer: Mastery over the subject.
Q: A teacher never gives answers to questions, having group discussions and adopt collaborative learning. This approch is based on the principle of
Answer: Active participation.
Q: A teacher makes use of a variety of tasks to cater to the different learning styles of her learners. She is influenced by
Answer: Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory.  
Q: Vygotsky emphasized the significance of the role played by which factor in the learning of children?
Answer: Social.
Q:Errors of learners often indicate
Answer: The need for mechanical drill.
Q: When a child gets bored while doing a task, it is a sign that
Answer: The task may have become mechanically repetitive.
Q: A domain of learning
Answer: Affective.
Q: the first step in the scientific method of problem-solving
Answer: Problem awarness.
Q: Individual attention is important in the teaching-learning process because
Answer: Children develop at different rates and learn differently.
Q: Human personality is the result of
Answer: Interaction between heredity and environment.  
Q: According Piaget's stages of Cognitive Development, the sensori-motor stage is associated with
Answer: Imitation, memory and mental representation.
Q: When a child with disability first comes to school, the teacher should
Answer:Discuss with the child's parents to evolve collaborative plans.
Q: Vygotsky emphasized the significance of the role played by ___ in the learning of children
Answer: Social.
Q: Critical Pedagogy firmly believes that
Answer: The experiences and perceptions of learners are important.
Q: An example of a fine motor skill.
Answer: Writing.  
Q: Adolescence may experience
Answer: Anxiety and concern about themselves.
Q: What would be the the most appropriate way to encourage disadvantaged children to attend school regularly?
Answer: Not allowing children to attend school may be made a legally punishable offence.
Q: Orthopedically impaired children are likely to have
Answer: Dysgraphia.  
Q: Partial reinforcement
Answer: Is less effective than continuous reinforcement.
Q: Learning disabilities are generally found
Answer: In specially those children whose paternal relatives have such problems.
Q: Gifted students are
Answer: Independent in their judgement.
Q: A child cannot distinguish between 'saw' and 'was', 'nuclear' and 'unclear'. he/she is suffering from
Answer: Dyslexia.
Q: In the Information Processing Model of thinking, ___ steps are said to take place.
Answer: Categorisation, Pre-processing, response selectin, Response execution.
Q: Vygotsky's theory implies
Answer: Collaborative problem solving.
Q: The hallmark of theproblem-solving approach
Answer: There is an implicit hint given in the problem statement.
Q: Successful inclusion does not require
Answer: Segregation.
Q: The best way to avoid gender discrimination in a school may be
Answer: Metacognition of their gender-biased behaviour by teachers.
Q: The greates advantage of interdisciplinary instruction is that
Answer: Students are given opportunities to generalise and apply newly learned knowledge in muliple contexts.
Q: A teacher cannot make problem-solving fun for students by doing
Answer: Expecting perfection from the students while they are trying to do things by themselves.
Q: learners who demonstrate an earnest desire for increased knowledge and academic competence are said to have a
Answer: Mastery orientation.
Q: While selecting materials for the portfolio of students ___ of ____ should be there
Answer: Inclusion, other teachers.
Q: The up-scaling of performance in the scholastic areas on the basis of performance in co-scholastic areas can be justified as
Answer: it caters to individual differences.    
Q: Theory of Multiple Intelligence does not imply
Answer: Intelligence is a distinct set of processing operations used by an individual to solve problems.
Q: IQ scores are generally ___ correlated with academic performence.
Answer: Highly.
Q: Smallest unit of meaning in a language is
Answer: Phoneme.
Q: An empowering school will promote which which quality the most in its teachers?
Answer: Competitive aptitude.
Q: Monika, a maths teacher, asks Radhika a question. On not getting any answer fromRadhika, she quickly moves on and asks Mohan another question. She rewords her question after realizing that Mohan is struggling to find the answer. This tendency of Monika reflects that she is
Answer: Supporting gender stereotyping of roles by favouring Mohan. 
Q: Errors made by children
Answer: Can be corrected by children themselves, therefore a teacher should not immediately correct them.
Q: In order to instil a positive environment in a primary class, a teacher should
Allow them to make groups on their own on the basis of sociometry during group activities.   
Q: Which would be the best first theme to atart with an a nursery class?
Answer: My family. 
Q: Assessment for learning does not take into account
Answer: Mistakes of students.
Q: What knd of support can a school provide to address the individual differences in students?
Answer: Follow a child-centred curriculum and provide multiple learning opportunities to students.
Q: One of the identical twin brothers is adopted by a socio-economically rich family and the other by a poor family. After one year, what may be the most likely observed about their IQ scores?
Answer: Socio-economic level does not affect the IQ score.
Q: Schools should cater to individual differences to
Answer: Understand why students are able or unable to learn.
Q: What does optimise motivation to learn?
Answer: Personal satisfaction in meeting targets.
Q: In order to avoid gender stereotyping in class, a teacher should
Answer: Try to put both boys and girls in non-traditional roles.
Q: the sounds th, ph, ch are
Answer: Graphemes.
Q: Howard Gardner's theory of Multiple intelligence emphasizes
Answer: The unique abilities of each individual.
Q: Which aspect of intelligence is not dealt by Sternberg's Triarchic theory?
Answer: Social.
Q: A child of 16 years scores 75 in an IQ test, his mental age will be ___ years.
Answer: 12.

Rajesh Konwar

Author & Editor

Has laoreet percipitur ad. Vide interesset in mei, no his legimus verterem. Et nostrum imperdiet appellantur usu, mnesarchum referrentur id vim.